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Become a Kingdom Advisors Champion


A growing number of Christians are looking for financial advisors who share their Christian values. Kingdom Advisors is the leading advocate for a growing industry in financial services of financial, legal, and accounting professionals offering competent financial advice that aligns with the values and priorities of Christians.

Kingdom Advisors Champions are an exclusive subset of our members who are passionate about the creation of this industry and are committed to investing their time, influence, and resources to accelerate its growth and development.

As a Kingdom Advisors Champion, you will enjoy many exciting opportunities and benefits:

  • Receive insider stakeholder updates on developments within the industry
  • Provide strategic input into Kingdom Advisors’ key initiatives and development
  • Join a unique leadership community for ongoing encouragement and sharing of best practices
  • Participate with your spouse in an exclusive Kingdom Advisors Champions Forum each year in a destination setting. Previous locations include: the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC; the New York Stock Exchange; the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, TN; the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center in Philadelphia, PA; downtown Boston; and Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Hear from special guest speakers for professional and spiritual development
  • Participate in input and feedback sessions with Kingdom Advisors leadership
  • Enjoy networking opportunities with fellow Champions
  • Attend an exclusive Champions dessert reception at the Redeeming Money conference

How to Become a Kingdom Advisors Champion:

  • Have a passionate commitment to the cause of biblical financial advice
  • Be a practicing Christian financial professional or marketplace leader
  • Make a suggested donation of $10,000/year ($5,000 minimum)
  • Join the unique community of more than 200 Kingdom Advisors Champions

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